on tuesday, we helped out with the youth conference and that was a lot of fun! we did created some activities for them about what is the book of mormon and how it can help them in there lives, and how they can share it with there friends. also did an activity about unity, where we tied all 11 of them to gether with rope and they had to walk through these mazes of strings that we made! it was pretty fun to watch haha! also i got to use some of my eagle scout abilities! haha the leaders couldnt quite figure out how to start a fire.. i mean they could get a little one going, but they cold get a real fire! haha just kidding but had some fun using my pyro skills and getting a pretty big bonfire going! after that we had a "lessons from the trail". that was a blast from the past moment to the many campouts with dad and the many lesson learned and sharing them around the fires! it was a great time, made me realize how much fun those camping trips where! thanks dad for all the work you put into those, and i cant lie, im wishing i could go camping right now, so start planning now for when i get back! haha
we have been having some good success with our area book, we have found lots of people who had investigated the church like 3 years ago, and we are working with them now, hoping that we can get a baptism this week!
also we are planning to start an english class here. the branch here said that missionaries had lots of sucess with that in the past, so we will be starting that this next saturday! it was weird because while we were preparing, i realized that my first responses to questions and when people talk to me is always in pórtuguesse, like i actually have to think about what im going to say in english before i say it! so weird! also started dreaming in portuguesse pretty consistently which is kind of wiggin me out, its so wierd because i rarely ever think in english now, it is so wierd how learning a language works! haha
this week was good for me because i finally feel like im in my groove again, for this first time since the transfer, so that has been really nice, this week im hoping to continue in the groove haha.
the only bummer this week was that out toliet started leaking when you flushed it.... yeah that has been quite interesting to say the least! haha but we have a contract for a new house here, hoping that we will be moving in the next week or so! haha
my pearl of wisdom that i learned this week is work.. even when its hard and it seems like you wont have any sucess. this week during the times of párties and stuff it seemed like we would teach no one and have 0 sucess, but we kept working anyway and we had a decent week. even when its hard, if you work hard and put everything out there, you can make sucess! well that is my pearl for the week! haha
well sound like everything is going well back home! hope that all continues to go well for you all! know that i love and miss all of you and hope to continue to hear from you all!
Elder Ryan
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